Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP)
The University of Utah Master of Public Policy program is proud to be a part of the
Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP). WRGP makes high-quality, distinctive graduate
programs available to students of the West at a reasonable cost. As part of the Student
Exchange Program of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, WRGP helps place students in a wide range of graduate programs, all designed around
the educational, social, and economic needs of the West.
Through WRGP, residents of Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming are eligible to enroll in available programs outside of their home state at reduced tuition rates. Students need not meet financial aid criteria.
To be included in WRGP, programs must meet the criteria of distinctiveness and quality. Programs are nominated by their institutions, peer reviewed by other graduate institutions in the West, and approved biannually by the Student Exchange Program Advisory Council, a policy body that represents all participating states.
To receive WRGP tuition status, students apply directly to The University of Utah Master of Public Policy program and identify themselves as WICHE WRGP applicants. Please reference the Graduate School's dedicated website to learn more: https://gradschool.utah.edu/funding/wrgp/index.php. Beginning fall 2024, reduced tuition rates will be 150% of in-state rates.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you apply for WRGP status?
You should apply for admission to the program through the regular admissions process. Please contact the Program Manager and let them know you are applying as a WICHE WRGP student.
How do you establish residency for the program?
WRGP is open to all residents of the 14 participating states. Normally, students should be a resident of one of these states for at least one year before applying for admission as a WRGP student.
What does a student do if they are billed at the wrong tuition rate?
Occasionally, a student is incorrectly billed for the full nonresident tuition. If this happens, please contact us immediately.
Can a student attend part-time as a WRGP student?
Unfortunately, no, part-time students (matriculated) are not eligible to participate in WRGP.
Who can I contact for more information?
Contact our Program Manager for assistance with the WRGP and the MPP. For more information about the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) visit their Website.