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Policy Partners and Associations

The University of Utah, a Tier 1 Research Institution, conducts innovated policy research in many fields.  U of U MPP students are encouraged to connect with the great resources we have on campus.

The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute develops and shares economic, demographic, and public policy data through research. They hire MPP students as interns or graduate assistants, and pair with students on their capstone projects.  Visit Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute.  

UIR is composed of representatives from the legislature, State Department, and school boards.  The UIR meets regularly to discuss current issues in Utah, and MPP students are invited to attend.  Visit UIR for meeting times.


The Sorenson Impact Center works across sectors to develop innovative and data-driven approaches to difficult social and public health challenges. Learn more at their Policy Innovation Lab

Students can work as members of a legal team to move public policy via public education, legislation, and litigation.  For more information visit Public Policy Clinic at the S.J. Quinney College of Law
UEPC is a non-partisan research center that bridges policy, research, and practice for Utah education.  The UEPC seeks to increase educational equity and opportunities for children and adults in Utah.  Visit the Utah Education Policy Center for more information.  
The Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR)  deals with economic and social policy issues affecting women and families.  For more information visit the Institute for Women's Policy Research.  
ASPA provides administrative services to the Utah Chapter of ASPA, as well as publishes the ASPA BUZZ.  The ASPA BUZZ provides a summary of upcoming events for Utah 's public administrators and individuals.  Visit American Society for Public Administration to learn more.
Pi Alpha Alpha is the honors society for the MPP, MPA, and MIAGE programs.  Check out what it takes to join, at Pi Alpha Alpha Honors Society.  

The PAGE student association organizes academic and professional opportunities for all MPA, MPP, and MIAGE students.  There is no fee to join and you can participate at any level you choose.  Visit the Public Affairs & Global Enterprise Webpage for event dates/times.

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The Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM) is dedicated to improving public policy management by fostering excellence in research, analysis and education.  Visit Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management to learn more.
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is an organization for municipal administrators at the local, regional, and state levels.  Students can join at a discounted rate.  Visit International City/County Management to learn more.


Last Updated: 6/26/24